A school will boast successful student writers and skilled teachers of writing when a well-defined school action plan is articulated, implemented and monitored. JSWP™ provides the guidance, support and consultation for successful JSWP™ program implementation.
JSWP™ leadership consultancy will provide the following to ensure successful program implementation with fidelity:
Assistance with an action plan designed to meet the unique needs of individual schools;
Guidance in the design and development for teacher feedback systems to ensure programmatic fidelity;
Support in programmatic assessment to (formative, summative, state) demonstrate and monitor program successes;
Consultation to formulate the embedding of JSWP™ within the school with school-based trainers and expertise.
Instructional assistance with academic writing for beginning teachers
3-year comprehensive progression plan
Assessment Design, Implementation and Data Collection
Strategic Plan Design and Implementation
Consultation of Change Process and Innovation Implementation
Monthly Leadership Support Webinars
Leadership Mentoring
Literary Units of Study to assist in ELA classroom instruction by non specific ELA teachers (ie. long term substitute teacher)
JSWP Parent – School Support Programs