



Whole Group Training

Professional Development Strategy

3-year comprehensive progression plan

Grades K-2; 3-5; 6-8; 9-12

To introduce and train the Jane Schaffer Academic Writing Program to all teachers in one setting, schools may provide private training workshops to the faculty.

Participants will learn the JSWP™ philosophy, terminology, color-coding, and structure of the academic body paragraph and essay. Educators will also learn a common terminology for the teaching of writing so that students and teachers in all content areas speak a common language when writing across all content areas.

The JSWP™ thinking and writing process includes designing and decoding prompts; closely reading and annotating texts; gathering specific, relevant, and appropriate evidence; generating insightful and analytical commentary; and editing, revising, and proofing drafts with grammatical and syntactical prowess.

JSWP™ applies the Gradual Release of Responsibility (GRR) methodology, designed by David Pearson in 1981 and the “Think Aloud” method as a method of inquiry, a mode of instruction, and a means for encouraging social interaction, originally developed by Newell and Simon (1972, cited by Block, 1986) and developed over the years by respected educators.

JSWP provides private one- and two-day workshops as described above for each mode of discourse, including Response to Literature, Expository/Informational Writing Across-the-Curriculum, Argumentation, and Narrative. Specialized training includes English Learners, Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC), State of Texas Assessment of Academic Readiness (STAAR®), Advanced Placement® English, and International Baccalaureate. Schools and districts may also request customized workshops.


  • Training Day (6-8 hours): $4,250 per day (includes travel, accommodations, stipend, and per diem for the national presenter) – Consecutive days receive discount prices.

  • Materials: $69.95 per participant (includes teacher’s guide, student masters, pen kit, and more)

  • Taxes (Exempt institutions may submit a tax-exempt certificate.)

  • Shipping and Handling

JSWP™ provides private one- and two-day workshops as described above for each mode of discourse, including Response to Literature, Expository/Informational Writing Across-the-Curriculum, Argumentation, and Narrative. Specialized training includes English Learners, Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC), State of Texas Assessment of Academic Readiness (STAAR®), Advanced Placement® English, and International Baccalaureate. Schools and districts may also request customized workshops.


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