3-year comprehensive progression plan
To introduce and train the Jane Schaffer Academic Writing Program to all teachers in one setting, schools may provide private training workshops to the faculty.
Participants will learn the JSWP™ philosophy, terminology, color-coding, and structure of the academic body paragraph and essay. Educators will also learn a common terminology for the teaching of writing so that students and teachers in all content areas speak a common language when writing across all content areas.
The JSWP™ thinking and writing process includes designing and decoding prompts; closely reading and annotating texts; gathering specific, relevant, and appropriate evidence; generating insightful and analytical commentary; and editing, revising, and proofing drafts with grammatical and syntactical prowess.
JSWP™ applies the Gradual Release of Responsibility (GRR) methodology, designed by David Pearson in 1981 and the “Think Aloud” method as a method of inquiry, a mode of instruction, and a means for encouraging social interaction, originally developed by Newell and Simon (1972, cited by Block, 1986) and developed over the years by respected educators.
JSWP™ provides private one- and two-day workshops as described above for each mode of discourse, including Response to Literature, Expository/Informational Writing Across-the-Curriculum, Argumentation, and Narrative. Specialized training includes English Learners, Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC), State of Texas Assessment of Academic Readiness (STAAR®), Advanced Placement® English, and International Baccalaureate. Schools and districts may also request customized workshops.
Training Day (6-8 hours): $4,500 per day (includes travel, accommodations, stipend, and per diem for the national presenter) – Consecutive days receive discount prices.
Materials: $69.99 per participant (includes teacher’s guide, student masters, pen kit, and more)
Taxes (Exempt institutions may submit a tax-exempt certificate.)
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