Those credit cards are tricky. If the name, address, and/or phone number listed on the order is different from that which is listed on your credit card billing statement, it will not go through. Also, make sure that you click “Review Order” before you Check Out. Sometimes, that will solve the problem.
In each order, when you get to the Check Out area, you will be offered the opportunity to enter your coupon code or discount code. Then, “Update” to see the changes.
We’d love to become one of your vendors. Email us at and attach the documents for us to complete. We’ll send them and a W9 to you as quickly as possible.
Under the “Company” tab on our Home Page, you’ll see “Request a Training.” Click on that link, and Dr. Louis will receive your request. You may also call or fax us.
This question is difficult to answer because the workshops are priced by the type of workshop, the number of days, and the number of participants. Under the Company tab on our Home Page, select “Request a Training.” One of us will contact you by phone or email to answer all of your questions. We’re happy to create estimates for you, as well.
We are not a “one-and-done” type of organization. In fact, we believe in a continuous cycle of learning with regard to the program. The more questions you have, the better we like it, because that tells us you are applying the methodology. Questions are normal. Please do not hesitate to contact us at Dr. Louis is happy to answer your questions. She won’t grade all of your essays, however!! LOL.
The content delivered is the same, and because the webinars are live, the participants are able to chat with the presenter and ask questions during each session. Unlike a traditional workshop, the webinar does not allow the presenter to watch the participants, so s/he cannot tell if a participant is in front of the screen or in a different room. Thus, the monitoring is not as effective in a webinar unless you decided to have everyone meet in one classroom or lecture hall as a professional learning community (PLC).
Participants must be present and engaged throughout the series to obtain a certificate of completion. For questions regarding your attendance, please contact Dr. Louis at
A laptop, desktop, or mobile device. You’ll have to have internet access and sound, but a video camera is optional.
You will receive an email with a Zoom link, and you will select the link the email. It’s easy!
Yes. After a training, we will send you a Continuing Education certificate as long as you have completed and submitted the “Acceptable Use Policy” and the evaluation.