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Applying the Jane Schaffer Structure


Good morning Dr. Louis,

I am having my students complete outside reading before they come to class and as a way to support their comprehension and prepare them for a quick reading quiz, I am going to have them write summaries of what they read. How would you apply a Jane Schaffer® structure to a summary?

Thank you,

Samuel M.

Dear Samuel,

Is it one text or several? Is it fiction or nonfiction? Title? Author?

Here’s an idea: Pretend that you have met a person who has not read the novel, but you want to tell them all about it from start to finish. In three well-developed paragraphs (3+:0), summarize1) the setting; 2) the important characters you met, and 3) the events that occurred, and/or conflicts that arose in the beginning, the middle, and the end of the novel.

For the topic sentence of your first paragraph (beginning), provide an overview of the setting; for your concrete details, list three important plot points; for the concluding sentence, provide your opinion as to why the time and place and social mores of the novel are important.

For the topic sentence of your second paragraph (middle), provide an overview of the conflicts in the story; for your concrete details, list three important plot points; for the concluding sentence; provide your opinion on whether the conflicts are justified and why (only one sentence).

For the topic sentence of your third paragraph (end), provide an overview of the resolution of the conflict; for your concrete details, list three important plot points; for the concluding sentence, provide a theme in the novel (only one sentence).

Keep reading and writing,

Dr. Louis

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