One of the most traditional plays taught in American high schools, this curriculum guide offers students a look into the inner workings of politics and power.
This unit offers teachers a guide that introduces students to Elizabethan theater and shows them the value of studying Shakespeare in the 21st century.
Our students—including those who don’t like science fiction or fantasy—say Ender's Game is one of the best books they have read.
This type of instruction is also known as EL, LEP, ESL, ESOL, ELD, EB, and ENL.
The Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium is a comprehensive suite of standards-aligned assessments.
Elementary Response to Literature Writing Guide provides the JSWP methodology for elementary educators whose students are beginning the thinking process.
This 177-page guide provides teachers with strategies and graphic organizers to train students on the composing of both personal and fictional narratives.
This curriculum guide is designed to offer tested and proven ideas to teach students how to write literary short constructed response, paragraphs, and essays.