This unit offers teachers a sample plan to introduce students to dystopian literature.
Although some object to the language and actions chosen by the characters, our students have accepted them as appropriate in the context of the story.
This guide begins with a discussion of teaching racially sensitive literature to teenagers.
To tell a myth is to tell a story, one that teaches as it entertains. This curriculum guide focuses on teaching Greek and Roman mythology.
After extensive reading in American and British literature, our students need a different focus, a look into a culture familiar to some, unfamiliar to others.
This curriculum unit offers tested and proven materials for teaching Of Mice and Men to junior high/middle school and high school students.
Although this is a novel about survival, with chilling details about the oppression of totalitarian regime, our students have found the novel easy to read.
We developed this guide to offer teachers a unit on one of the most frequently taught works in American literature.
This curriculum unit was developed to offer teachers a sample plan that introduces students to the work of Charles Dickens.
The House on Mango Street is an easy novel to read, and can be assigned in one of several ways.