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SBAC: Narrative Performance Task Webinar

In this training session, teachers will learn a structured approach to prepare students for the narrative performance task on the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC).

Using the Jane Schaffer Academic Writing Program’s (JSWP) terminology, color-coding, chunking techniques, ratios and graphic organizers, teachers will learn how to teach their students to produce strong narrative pieces by brainstorming to develop a draft, revise, edit and write a final piece that meets or exceeds the SBAC’s requirements. Participants will learn the JSWP approach to teaching students how to develop characters, setting, point of view, conflict and resolution. They will learn to implement narrative techniques, such as dialogue and sequencing of events, to develop tone and to draw the reader into the story.

Subject Area Participants: Advanced Academics, English Language Arts and Reading, Learning Support, Science, Social Studies

Grade Level(s): 6-11

3-Part Series (Weeknights):
  • February 20, 27, and March 6 (4:15-6:15 P.M. Pacific)

Credit Cards, Purchase Orders, and Business Checks Accepted.

Please note that sessions will be recorded for review purposes only. Online participants are expected to join us in real time.

Online participants must attend at least 80% of the live training to earn a certificate of completion.

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