Getting to know your students is paramount in your year being a successful one. That’s one of the reasons why the Diagnostic Essay is important that first week. You’ll discover who your kids “really” are and where they are in their learning curve. The Diagnostic Essay helps in that process by discovering gaps in their knowledge and overlaps in the scope and sequence that may be replaced with lessons to fill those gaps. This webinar is designed to provide teachers with strategies to implement diagnostic essays in an efficient, productive manner to ascertain the strengths and weaknesses of the writers in your classroom.
Subject Area Participants: English Language Arts and Reading, English Language Learners, Learning Support
Grade Level(s): K-12
Date: June 12
Time: 10:00 A.M. – 12:00 P.M. (CDT)
Location: Online; Live; Synchronous
Deadline to Register: May 30
Price: $25
Please note that sessions will be recorded for review purposes only. Online participants are expected to join us in real time.